Ford Mustang GTD 刷新紐柏林賽道記錄 美系量產跑車締造新巔峰

Ford Mustang GTD 在紐柏林北環賽道上締造了新紀錄,成為美系品牌最快的量產車型,以 6 分 57 秒 685 的成績刷新了先前由 Dodge SRT Viper ACR 所保持的記錄。這次挑戰不僅超越了 Porsche 911 GT3 和 718 GT4 RS 等歐洲性能跑車,還讓 Ford 成為首家達成紐柏林單圈低於 7 分鐘的美國車廠。

Professional driver with special safety equipment. Closed course. Do not attempt. Preproduction Mustang® GTD shown. Actual production vehicle may vary. Projected availability late 2024/early 2025. Very limited availability. Inquiry does not guarantee ability to purchase. The warranty shall be voided if the Ford Vehicle is used or driven in a competitive event with simultaneous multi-vehicle participation (e.g., racing, including on a racetrack or other closed-course).


被譽為「綠色地獄」的紐柏林北環賽道,全長 20.8 公里,擁有 73 個彎道和多變的高低起伏路段,是全球車廠驗證新車性能與操控極限的終極挑戰場地。Mustang GTD 在 Multimatic Motorsports 賽車手 Dirk Müller 的駕駛下完成這一壯舉,展現了 Ford 團隊將賽車經驗與工程技術完美融合的能力。這項壯舉也實現了 Ford 總裁 Jim Farley 早前所許下的承諾:「Mustang GTD 必定突破 7 分鐘。」

Professional driver with special safety equipment. Closed course. Do not attempt. Preproduction Mustang® GTD shown. Actual production vehicle may vary. Projected availability late 2024/early 2025. Very limited availability. Inquiry does not guarantee ability to purchase. The warranty shall be voided if the Ford Vehicle is used or driven in a competitive event with simultaneous multi-vehicle participation (e.g., racing, including on a racetrack or other closed-course).


Ford Mustang GTD 是 Ford 投入大量資源與心血打造的性能傑作,融合了 Mustang GT3 賽車技術並在量產車中進行技術轉化,充分體現了品牌「源於賽道」的精神。車輛搭載 5.2 公升機械增壓 V8 引擎,輸出高達 815 匹馬力,首次導入乾式油底殼技術,確保引擎在極端操駕條件下仍能穩定運作,最高轉速達 7,650 rpm。Mustang GTD 還配備了 8 速雙離合器變速箱、鈦合金排氣尾管和升級版進氣系統,使其最高時速達 325 公里,性能直逼超跑級水準。

Professional driver with special safety equipment. Closed course. Do not attempt. Preproduction Mustang® GTD shown. Actual production vehicle may vary. Projected availability late 2024/early 2025. Very limited availability. Inquiry does not guarantee ability to purchase. The warranty shall be voided if the Ford Vehicle is used or driven in a competitive event with simultaneous multi-vehicle participation (e.g., racing, including on a racetrack or other closed-course).


為了應對紐柏林賽道的極限挑戰,Ford 在 Mustang GTD 的車身結構、懸吊與煞車系統方面進行了一系列強化設計。車輛採用了碳纖維傳動軸,達成接近完美的 50:50 車身配重;半主動懸吊系統(Semi-Active Suspension)和碳纖維陶瓷複合煞車碟盤,確保車輛在高速過彎或急煞時能提供穩定的抓地力與制動性能。此外,專屬的空力套件和減阻系統(DRS)進一步提升了車輛的操控穩定性與高速表現。

Ford Mustang GTD 的誕生不僅是一款技術結晶,更是對品牌傳統與未來的致敬與展望。Ford Mustang 自 60 年前問世以來,始終以卓越性能和賽道基因著稱,而這款車型的成功,則為 Ford Mustang 開啟了邁向未來的全新篇章。Ford 總裁 Jim Farley 表示:「這是我們多年來在賽道累積的經驗結晶。我們為成為首個突破 7 分鐘的美國品牌感到自豪,但 Mustang GTD 的潛力遠不止於此。未來我們將繼續挑戰自己,創造更多輝煌紀錄。」

Professional driver with special safety equipment. Closed course. Do not attempt. Preproduction Mustang® GTD shown. Actual production vehicle may vary. Projected availability late 2024/early 2025. Very limited availability. Inquiry does not guarantee ability to purchase. The warranty shall be voided if the Ford Vehicle is used or driven in a competitive event with simultaneous multi-vehicle participation (e.g., racing, including on a racetrack or other closed-course).




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